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Platinum Jumps Shop

Ever wonder how your jumps are made? Look no further! Below we will show who's behind picking the lumber out, measuring, cutting, nailing, drilling, painting... well, you get the idea. 

Presenting Team Platinum Jumps:

Michael ~ "The Chief"

Michael is one of the hardest working people you'll ever meet. He's at the shop everyday making sure every detail that goes into building your jumps meet the high standards of Platinum Jumps.

Besides building jumps, he also creates new designs, hand picks all the lumber, calls on customers & does beverages runs for all the employees. No job is too small or too unusual for this guy!




Marcelo ~ "Assistant Chief"



Marcelo is one of the most dedicated and loyal team member since 2009.  Marcelo wears many hats around the shop, from building to painting, cutting and welding jump cups to preparing the jumps for shipping, but besides doing all that stuff, he literally does wear a different hat everyday! We look forward to having Marcelo as part of our family for many more years to come.


Ben ~ "Supervisor"

We keep Ben around to ensure The Chief and Assistant Chief are doing their jobs... and besides, he's one heck of a guy!


Sam ~ "Paint Department"

Sam has been with the team since 2014. He has proven over the years that he can destroy paint brushes on a daily bases, but that's just to ensure that your jumps are being painted correctly - so we don't mind too much.


And Last but Not Least...

Buckwheat ~ "Inspector #1"

Buckwheat regularly visits the shop for his "Surprise Quality Control" checks (if it's not too cold out). He makes sure the saw dust is fluffy enough to nap on for a while and the paint table is clear (or not) to soak up some rays or if somebody just needs a friend. And for today, everything seems to be just purrfect!

~ R.I.P. buddy, We will truly miss you ~

06.10.2001 - 5.3.2016

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